If My Uterus Is Tilted Where Will the Baby Be Carried



Tilted Uterus and Early Pregnancy

Many medical sites say a tilted uterus really does not affect an early pregnancy. However, based on the many stories at the Misdiagnosed Miscarriage , it could affect your pregnancy but only if you allow yourself to be diagnosed with a miscarriage too soon

If you are newly pregnant and have been told you have a tilted uterus, you may not see your baby as early as other women with ultrasound. As a result, a number of women who do have a tilted uterus are misdiagnosed with miscarriages. In fact, many women report their gestational sacs looking empty until nine or ten weeks before the baby is found.

While a tilted uterus does not affect the baby in any way, it can affect when the baby is seen. Please, be reassured, this has everything to do with the ultrasound equipment and nothing to do with your baby.

Keep in mind, if you have a tilted uterus and are diagnosed with possible miscarriage, your chances of miscarrying are the same as everybody else.

Just know that with a tilted uterus, you are more likely than most to be misdiagnosed.

I believe every woman deserves to have no doubt before having her pregnancy ended.

I am not a medical professional. The information I share is meant to supplement the information given you by your doctor. If you feel your doctor is not doing enough for you or not willing to listen to your concerns, I strongly encourage you to take what you've learned here and get a second opinion.


What is a Tilted Uterus?

So you've found out you have a tilted uterus.

If you found out you have a tilted uterus (AKA retroverted or tipped), know that you are not alone. Researchers believe up to 1/3 of all women have a tilted uterus and many just do not know it.

Approximately 2/3 of all women have an anteverted uterus. An anteverted uterus tips forward toward the bladder. The other 1/3 or so have a uterus that is tipped back toward the rectum and spine.

The uterus can and does change positions between pregnancies. Just because you have a tilted uterus at some point in your life does not mean it will always be tilted.

Just so, if your uterus is tilted forward, it can become retroverted.

Do I Have a Tilted Uterus?

Because a tilted uterus is so common, many women have no idea they have one. Doctors rarely mention it except in passing. If you ask during an internal exam or transvaginal ultrasound, the physician, nurse or ultrasound technician can tell you the position of your uterus.

You may have a tilted uterus if you have some pain or uncomfortableness typically during sex. Pain, severe cramping or diarrhea during your period can also be a sign. Some women report that they are more prone to lower back pain while others have problems using tampons.

Tilted Uterus and Early Pregnancy

You may be falsely diagnosed with blighted ovum

Before I begin, let me share what a blighted ovum is. A blighted ovum (AKA anembryonic pregnancy) is when the fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterus but the baby stops developing before even the yolk sac is formed. If you can see a yolk sac, you do not have a true blighted ovum.

Because I was diagnosed with a blighted ovum between 5 1/2 and 8 weeks, I've since shared the story of finding my baby at nearly nine weeks. As a result, many women have shared their own misdiagnosed blighted ova stories at the Misdiagnosed Miscarriage site. We've come to realize over the last few years, the majority of us have a tilted uterus. Many of our babies are first seen with hCG levels well into the tens of thousands sometimes even over 100,000. Ultrasound literature, however, states that some sort of development ought to be seen when hCG levels reach 3,600 or so. The ultrasound literature also claims that if the sac if 18mm large or larger, a blighted ovum diagnosis may be made. However, we've seen in women with a tilted uterus, their sacs may be quite a bit bigger before anything can be seen.


Does Research Back This Up?

No, unfortunately research does not YET back up our claim that women with a tilted uterus will often be further along before their babies can be seen. And, the reason that research does not YET back it up is because nobody has ever researched the combination tilted uterus/first trimester/transvaginal ultrasound link. We have found studies indicating research is going that direction however.

For example, a study by Dr. Ronald Wachsberg shows that a transrectal ultrasound can be beneficial in a woman with a tilted uterus. Transrectal ultrasonography for problem solving after transvaginal ultrasonography of the female internal reproductive tract

However, we also know that most women are not going to ask their physicians for a transrectal ultrasound so, in that case, time is the only true measure of whether a pregnancy is viable or not.

Another possible study indirectly backing this up:

According to study by LACHLAN CH. DE CRESPIGNY, et al.,

The gestation sac size in pregnancies resulting from in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and embryo transfer have been compared with those in spontaneous pregnancies. Small-for-dates gestational sac sizes were found in 36% of the IVF pregnancies. This proportion held for both singleton and multiple pregnancies. With increasing gestation beyond 8 weeks the gestation sac volume increasingly approached normal. In contrast to spontaneous conceptions, IVF pregnancies had a low rate of pregnancy loss once fetal heart movements were demonstrated, when the gestation sac size was small-for-dates. Small sac size in an IVF pregnancy may lead to the misdiagnosis of a failed pregnancy.

The interesting thing about this study is that other studies indicate that up to 30 to 40% of women have a tilted uterus. I suspect these women simply had a tilted uterus. We know that later in the first trimester when the uterus is in a more typical position, dates are right on again which is the case in this study.

UPDATE: The Medical Community Recognizes the Tilted Uterus Problem!

When I wrote this page, you just couldn't fine any doctor online discussing the possible link between a tilted uterus and misdiagnosed miscarriage. I was so excited this last week to discover the American Pregnancy Association has added this information:


"If an ultrasound is done at 6 to 7 weeks and a heartbeat is not detected, does that mean there is a problem?

No it does not mean there is a problem. The heartbeat may not be detected for reasons that include: tipped uterus, larger abdomen, or inaccurate dating with last menstrual period."


I was so excited I even blogged about it:

No Heartbeat or Baby seen at Seven Weeks? Finally, the Medical Community Recognizes it Might Be Because of Your Tilted Uterus"

More Information

about the tilted uterus


a wonderful site, complete with forum, for women who want to learn more about a tilted uterus

Retroverted Uterus Page at Wikipedia

This page has a basic description of a tilted uterus.

Important New Guidelines for Diagnosing a Miscarriage

The UK is the first to acknowledge that misdiagnosed miscarriages are indeed a problem. The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists has revised its guidelines. If your gestational sac is more than 25mm and/or the CRL is 7mm or more, you should wait a week to verify (if there are no complications). If the measurements are less, you are too early to diagnose. For more information (and something to take to your doctor), please, see my new page:

New Blighted Ovum Guidelines! You ARE Being Diagnosed Too Soon!

If I don't reply to you here, please feel free to e-mail me directly at misdiagnosedmiscarriage@gmail.com Thank you.

Leosmaman on March 22, 2016:

I stumbled across this site while looking for info after declining a same day D&C offer from my OB.

I am looking for a story similar to my experience.

My background- 18 months ago I had a c-section delivering my son. I also have a retroverted uterus per my doc.

I had IVF in early February, two 3 day embryos were transferred, which resulted in several positive pregnancy tests (home and lab).

At five weeks we saw two gestational sacs.

At 6w4d, we saw one empty sac and one fetal pole with a heartbeat of 114. So it appears one twin developed and the other possibly became a BO or hadn't developed yet.

At 7w6d I went for another check & they saw only the gestational sac, the fetal pole had vanished.

The doc promptly went into a speech he sounded like he's made many times, telling me this happens, it's not my fault, let's do a D&C and I can do Ivf again next cycle. He was nice enough, but I don't like only one data point being used to diagnose a miscarriage.

I just simply could not, would not, believe my healthy fetus vanished. I understand BOs happen, but what are the odds of a vanishing twin AND a BO. I requested more labs and another u/s, which they obliged. I've seen too many stories with 12 week u/s's revealing the baby had sadly died at 8 weeks, meaning it didn't get absorbed that fast. They're telling me my body absorbed a fetus with a heartbeat in one week.

After coming across this site and knowing my details (tilted uterus and c section scar), I truly believe there is still a chance there is at least one viable fetus in there & that the u/s just couldn't see it this week.

I went back two days later for labs and u/s. The labs showed my HCG slowly climbing still but ultrasound showed still only the BO. One tech saw debris in the sac and one doc pointed out 'possible remains of the yolk sac'. Which gave me more hope.

My question to the group- has anyone had a situation like this turn out positive? A fetus with heartbeat being seen then disappearing only to reappear later? Is it possible that the healthy fetus moved and wound up behind the sac? Can they move that much at 8 weeks?

I'm 9 weeks now and have another u/s in two days (6.5 days after last one). I'm scared to go in and hear the same news. I almost want to wait even longer to be sure to see it if it's in there, or miscarry naturally if that's what's due to happen.

shwbubbles on February 10, 2016:

Hi this story has been really informative. My journey Is still in progress. I had a faint positive test in December and since that I have had 3 bladder infections because I have a tilted uterus. I believe mine is retroverted since my first pregnancy I had a c section which from research can make my situation worst. So my bladder infections have been bad andAND When I went for blood test they found no hcg. However I am still breastfeeding and according to my Gynocologist this is where the trouble is. I am still getting my period which is really irregular only lasting 3 days last time and severely painful. So I went for 2 ultrasound they found nothing at 12 weeks. Which I was feeling really sad because I had all the symptoms and more like my first pregnancy and my stomach was growing. My tilted uterus was pressing against my spine. I could feel the baby was resting on my spine and when it moved my back pain went away. Now at 15 weeks I feel the baby near my pelvic. Since then I have felt the baby I am probably at 15 weeks now but still waiting for confirmation. I am afraid for the next ultrasound I know my baby is there and the really hope I have is in God after all of this.

Kay (author) on November 20, 2013:

@Staples123: Wonderful story! Have you shared this at the Misdiagnosed Miscarriage site? You will give so many women hope. So many doctors are quick to say a tilted uterus doesn't matter but then have to eat those words when they find the baby later. I am just so happy for you. Thank you for sharing!

Staples123 on November 20, 2013:

Hi, just wanted to say thanks for your information which gave me some hope. I decided to go for a reassurance scan after suffering a miscarriage in March this year at 5 weeks 3 days. This time I was coming up for six weeks pregnant and booked a private scan. I was given an internal scan but told they could only see a sac which measured 4 weeks. I was very worried as I was 100 % sure of my dates. Next day I went to our early pregnancy unit and was given a blood test and my hormones were 9000 which I was pleased with but 48 hours later they only went up to 12000 and I was told this was not good and possibly blighted ovum. The epu booked me in for the following week for a scan, I already had another follow up private scan booked for six days from the last so after a weeks stress I went there on the Monday and should have been nearly seven weeks. This Time the sac was 5 weeks and I was told my uterus was tilted and she could see a yolk but still she thought it was blighted ovum. I had my scan at epu on the Wednesday and was told that the sac measured 6 weeks but definitely no yolk and the scanner said she didn't think the private scanner could have seen one and she was pretty sure it was a blighted ovum. I said to her could it be because of my tilted uterus and told her I had read many things about baby not showing till later but she said definitely not as she had a really good view of the sac. I went away really sad and unhopeful but spent the week reading lots of stories of tilted uterus babies appearing . At my scan one week later which was today I was soo scared but as soon as she put the scanner on you could clearly see baby and flickering heart!! The scanner said she really expected to see nothing and when I asked her if it could have been my tilted uterus that she didn't even see the yolk the week before she said definitely not. The baby measured 6 weeks 2 days but I know I'm definitely nearly 8 weeks so must be measuring wrong . Hope this gives someone going through this hope as I really felt like there was none for me and spent this last two weeks waiting for bleeding to begin.

anonymous on June 29, 2013:

Kay, what you do is beyond awesome. I read a lot of your information incl. the misdiagnosed miscarriage forum, because your story sounds exactly like mine so far. I don't know how mine will end yet, but at any rate, your online work has for sure saved hundreds of babies, and for that you deserve all our blessings. I can't believe there is still no serious research done on this topic and that so many medical personnel are still unaware of this.

I have a retroverted uterus and am believed to be abt. 8w pregnant now. I had 3 t/v scans so far with 2 different obgyns, regular looking but empty sac, no yolk, no pole. At my 3rd scan at 7+w the sac was 14x18mm and hCG levels at 30221, and 34308 2 days later. While my first obgyn made a final devastating "missed abortion" diagnosis (when the sac was 6x14mm only and without any bloodwork!), the 2nd obgyn more cautiously stated "possible blighted ovum". The only pregnancy symptom I have are sore breasts. No morning sickness, no cramps, no bleeding (thank goodness). So I can wait it out at least without having to suffer physically. I will go for another scan next week and hopefully there will be some better news.

And btw, my first obgyn who made that final diagnosis and recommended me a D&C within 2w was the reason why I started to research online and found all of your great work, Kay. This was what led me to get a 2nd opinion, and I will get a 3rd and 4th one if necessary! I can't believe that I might have aborted a possible viable pregnancy if I hadn't stumbled across all this information. Thanks again Kay, you are one of the true heroes of our time.

anonymous on June 29, 2013:

Kay, what you do is beyond awesome. I read a lot of your information incl. the misdiagnosed miscarriage forum, because your story sounds exactly like mine so far. I don't know how mine will end yet, but at any rate, your online work has for sure saved hundreds of babies, and for that you deserve all our blessings. I can't believe there is still no serious research done on this topic and that so many medical personnel are still unaware of this.

I have a retroverted uterus and am believed to be abt. 8w pregnant now. I had 3 t/v scans so far with 2 different obgyns, regular looking but empty sac, no yolk, no pole. At my 3rd scan at 7+w the sac was 14x18mm and hCG levels at 30221, and 34308 2 days later. While my first obgyn made a final devastating "missed abortion" diagnosis (when the sac was 6x14mm only and without any bloodwork!), the 2nd obgyn more cautiously stated "possible blighted ovum". The only pregnancy symptom I have are sore breasts. No morning sickness, no cramps, no bleeding (thank goodness). So I can wait it out at least without having to suffer physically. I will go for another scan next week and hopefully there will be some better news.

And btw, my first obgyn who made that final diagnosis and recommended me a D&C within 2w was the reason why I started to research online and found all of your great work, Kay. This was what led me to get a 2nd opinion, and I will get a 3rd and 4th one if necessary! I can't believe that I might have aborted a possible viable pregnancy if I hadn't stumbled across all this information. Thanks again Kay, you are one of the true heroes of our time.

anonymous on April 17, 2013:

@anonymous: Thanks for sharing your experience , it gives me so much hope!!!! I have a tilted uterus , will have follow up USS in 2 weeks time , finger crossed , hope to see my precious baby !!!!!

anonymous on January 22, 2013:

"Hi, I supposed to have right now 8w 0d(LMP. 4 weeks ago my ob/gyn told me that I have a blighted ovum because my hcg is rising but not like they suppose to. The U/S never show up the fetal pole or yolk sac, but last week I did another U/S and Ges Sac is growing and in 1w grew twice and the yolk sac appeared. My first U/S said that I was 3w 4d instead 4w 5d(LPM) on dec/21/2012.   Here is my HCG's labs: 138 DEC/17/2012 868 DEC/21/2012 (First U/S with a GES SAC meassuring 0.44cm,3w 4d, no YOLK SAC or FETAL POLE visible) 4565.2  DEC/28/2012 6265.5  JAN/2/2013 (Ob/Gyn did a U/S and Gest Sac was too small, no Yolk Sac or fetal pole visible)  8686.8  JAN/5/2013 JAN/7/2013 (Second U/S with a Gest SAc meassuring like 8w 4d, yolk sac visible only) My question is:    It is possible that a yolk sac appear and grow Ges Sac in a blighted ovum even if my last HCG 2 weeks ago were rising just a little?" and was asked on 01/14/2013

anonymous on January 22, 2013:

"Hi, I supposed to have right now 8w 0d(LMP. 4 weeks ago my ob/gyn told me that I have a blighted ovum because my hcg is rising but not like they suppose to. The U/S never show up the fetal pole or yolk sac, but last week I did another U/S and Ges Sac is growing and in 1w grew twice and the yolk sac appeared. My first U/S said that I was 3w 4d instead 4w 5d(LPM) on dec/21/2012.   Here is my HCG's labs: 138 DEC/17/2012 868 DEC/21/2012 (First U/S with a GES SAC meassuring 0.44cm,3w 4d, no YOLK SAC or FETAL POLE visible) 4565.2  DEC/28/2012 6265.5  JAN/2/2013 (Ob/Gyn did a U/S and Gest Sac was too small, no Yolk Sac or fetal pole visible)  8686.8  JAN/5/2013 JAN/7/2013 (Second U/S with a Gest SAc meassuring like 8w 4d, yolk sac visible only) My question is:    It is possible that a yolk sac appear and grow Ges Sac in a blighted ovum even if my last HCG 2 weeks ago were rising just a little?" and was asked on 01/14/2013

anonymous on November 24, 2012:

I am currently 14 weeks with my 3rd baby. When i went to my initial appointment at only 6 weeks for confirmation of the pregnancy, the u/s tech told me i have a very tilted uterus and that i would not be able to see any development before 8weeks. I returned at 8 weeks and had a transvaginal u/s which still showed only a sac with no fetal pole. My doctor was extremely hesitant to confirm the pregnancy still, and although i was told it may not be a viable pregnancy, we held off all other procedures til this week. We have the most beautiful pictures now of a 14 week fetus, though still only seen via transvaginal u/s. Baby is due in May 2013 :)

anonymous on October 26, 2012:

This gave me the hope I needed until my next ultrasound in 2 weeks. I only pray that my tilted uterus is what's causing my dr to not be able to see my baby in the "empty" sack.

anonymous on September 18, 2012:

So much I learnt today, things that I was unaware of.

anonymous on March 20, 2012:

This is wonderful news... and I suspect this is what's happening to me. I went to the OB/GYNE for my u/s on the 14th and was told there was a large sac, but no fetus and that I could have a blighted ovum. To come back in 2 weeks... then I had another u/s with my IVF doctor on the 19th- and I didn't mention anything to them. They saw a small fetus (small for date) and a slight flicker of a heartbeat and told me to come back in a week. They also said my uterus was retroverted. Thankfully no one has said to get a d&c... just to come back after some time. I am feeling so positive, thank GOD, and this website and postings are very very very helpful. THANK YOU!!!!

anonymous on February 06, 2012:

I heard that with a tilted uterus, if you drink a lot of water before your ultrasound it is easier to see the baby. Is this true? Because at 6.4 I saw baby and yoke sac but was small. Doc though I wasnt as far as I thought. I drank a lot of water before my vaginal ultrasound. Then at 8w we saw nothing.

anonymous on December 30, 2011:

Five years ago I became pregnant. I was never told I had a tilted uterus by anyone, and didnt know until recently. At 12 weeks I had slight pinkish spotting and saw my Dr. he told me there was no heartbeat and scheduled a d&c. Five years later, now pregnant again, I had the same problem at 7 weeks. After being told I had a tilted uterus and was miscarrying, I did some research. I went back, refused to schedule a d&c and made them test my hormone levels. I was ineed still pregnant, an now 10 weeks, and they just now are able to see the heartbeat. I believe I was misdiagnosed the first time. If this happens to you, MAKE them check your hormone levels. The fact that they almost aborted my perfectly healthy pregnancy after 1 look outrages me. Dont let it happen to you.

anonymous on October 20, 2011:

My sister in law has a tilted uterus.. she is thinking that she should be 8 weeks, but today when she had her 2nd ultrasound they are saying that she looks to be 6weeks and that they saw a slight flicker, but wasn't sure if it was the heartbeat.. could it be possible not to see the heartbeat right away because of her tilted uterus?

YourFirstTime on September 04, 2011:

Very informative. Thanks for sharing.

Rajkumarsingh on July 23, 2011:

nice lens..

anonymous on July 22, 2011:

Although this information can serve as hope to a lot of women with this kind of condition, we cannot truly trust this because of the fact that nothing is there to back it up. This could be a good thing for researchers though. They may want to study about the pregnancy and tilted uterus.

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anonymous on July 14, 2011:

Great information about a titlted uterus and pregnancy.

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anonymous on June 29, 2011:

Thank you so much for the information!!

anonymous on June 26, 2011:

Thank you! I have been so worried about my spotting and smaller sized baby but it all makes sense with my tilted uterus.

anonymous on April 18, 2011:

At 7 weeks my doctor was concerned that I had am empty sac, she told me I could either wait 2 more weeks, or go to a specialist. I just couldn't wait, and the next day made an appointment. Turned out everything was fine. We couldn't see anything due to my uterus being extremely tilted. I heard the heartbeat, and I was over the moon. Now I am 10 weeks and everything is going well. Don't despair! ;)

paulnchris on March 08, 2011:

I am 7 weeks pregnant today. I spotted a tiny bit this morning so went in for an emergency ultrasound. I also have a tilted uterus. The tech did not recognize that my uterus was tilted and in fact said that my prolapse was Bicornuate uterus (which I do not have since I've had so many ultrasounds over the years some one would have told me in the last 20 years) She said that the baby was 5 weeks 4 days. My husband and I know EXACTLY when we conceived since we were actively trying and using ovulation prediction kits. My question is... The tech (whom I do not believe anyway) said that my yolk sac was too large and could indicate an issue and the baby was small for my gestational dates and that miscarriage was imminent is it possible that because of the tilted uterus she just couldn't see the heart beat or the true size of the baby and because of the tilt is it possible there are twins just hiding in the tilt?

anonymous on February 01, 2011:

i just had an ultra sound yesterday(vaginal) at 7wks, i know my dates for sure as we have been geting help for infertility and have tracked. when my FS did the ultrasound he could only see the sac and said i should prepare for the worst.....i then booked myself in for aprivate ultrasound later that day as waiting another "week or two" would have done my head in; when i got on the table the tech said that I had a VERY tilted uterus and so did a trans vaginal ultrasound as well and low and behold there on the screen was my little ones flickering heartbeat!!!!! she said that is measured at 5wks and 6days but not to worry as it could just look smaller because of the tilt of my uterus.

surgimesh lm on November 25, 2010:

Never heard of this before... Thanks for giving external links for the detailed info..

anonymous on November 22, 2010:

@Cari Kay 11: Hi there. I just came back from my 1st prenatal appt for my 3rd pregnancy. I'd calculated myself to be about 9 weeks, based on my last normal period bc I'd believed I had implantation bleeding, which I've had with my prior 2 pregnancies -both healthy boys. (If counting the implantation bleeding as a period I should be 5 weeks yesterday). Problem is, the doctor did the pelvic exam and agreed I felt about right for 9 weeks. He couldn't find a heartbeat on the doppler, so wheel in abdominal ultrasound and maybe we can SEE it. Can't find anything, must be your tipped uterus, send me down the hall to the us tech who does vaginal us and says "she sees nothing that looks like a pregnancy" but my uterine walls are thickening. Dr. said either: a) must have been a period and I'm earlier than we thought, b) beginning of a miscarriage c) ectopic pregnancy. I'm in shock. I can actually feel my uterus and how full it is and I just don't believe it. I also don't feel like I'm having a miscarriage. My breasts have grown at least a cup size and my waist has thickened quite a bit. (and I'm starving!) If anything, prior to going in there, I'm crossing my fingers hoping it's not twins (due to my appetite!) and now I'm either barely pregnant or in the process of losing the baby? I don't know what to think. I'm glad I came across this site though and I hope mine is a misdiagnosis. It gives me some peace for now bc all I can do is wait and see. I knew Ive had a tilted uterus, its heredity and mom and grandma have it too, but it never affected anything as far as I know.

anonymous on July 30, 2010:

I have a tilted uterus and had an early ultrasound at 5 weeks due to some spotting and at that ultrasound all they could see was a "possible" sac. They wanted to repeat the ultrasound the next week at 6 weeks. That time they saw the sac had grown but still appeared empty. The Tech started to freak me out and wanted me to be prepared for a blighted ovum. They scheduled me for a third ultrasound at almost 8 weeks. This time we saw a yolk sac, a little baby and a heartbeat!! It is amazing the difference that even a week makes!

anonymous on July 16, 2010:

i have a tilted uterus and had no problems getting pregnant. my doctor was able to see my baby during a transvaginal ultrasound at 5 weeks and 5 days.. just relax and know that having a tilted uterus is fine! during pregnancy, it will shift to the place it needs to be to support the pregnancy.

anonymous on July 06, 2010:

I have a tilted uterous and when I found out I was pregnant it was out of a routine pregnancy test because I was bitten by a tick and needed to be put on antibiatics. I was on birth control but was having some issues with it, so they could only guess that I was about at most 2-4 weeks. Well I already have 3 children (older) but couldn't figure out why I could feel the kicks and turns of a baby I couldn't see any signes of. Nevertheless, I finally was able to get my first doctors appointment and my stomach was still completely flat, still is, and the doctor said she was going to do an ultrasound to verify the how far along I was. She searched and searched and couldn't find anything, then she left the room for about 5 minutes, came back looked at my chart and said let me to a vaginal ultrasound, sure enough she put it in, and there was the baby kicking and sucking it's fingers.. She said she had thought I wasn't pregnant and had never seen anything like it. She measured the baby at 13weeks. So, now that I am 16weks the baby is still very active, but my stomach is still pretty flat most of the time, when it changes positions I sometimes see a small lump. I was scared that there was something wrong, but yet I was very sure of the movement that I felt. I was also told to tell any doctor or nurse that I see in the future that it is tilted so that they don't diagnose something wrong. Thanks

Kay (author) on July 03, 2010:

By the way, I do receive a number of messages from medical personnel who are interested in what we have found. They can remember having a case or two that was not textbook and fit this scenario. Nurse Barb, if you would like to email me, please, feel free. Medicine is constantly evolving and what we know is evolving as well. Take care.

Kay (author) on July 03, 2010:

@anonymous: Hello Nurse Barb. Thank you so much for leaving a reply. I invite you to reread this page. Nowhere does it say that somebody with a tilted uterus is MORE likely to miscarry only that they are MORE LIKELY to be misdiagnosed. We're working on getting an official study done. At no time has there been a study on the retroverted uterus with the transvaginal ultrasound during the first trimester. We have seen in story after story after story that women who do have a tilted uterus often look one to two weeks behind and are more likely to be misdiagnosed https://discover.hubpages.com/health/misdiagnosedm... I do also know that because no study has ever been done, there are medical professionals who will not even consider the possibility. That is why we ask women to be absolutely certain, if there are no complications, before having their pregnancies ended. As a result of this information, we know of hundreds of babies that have been saved. Our only wish is that doctors and nurses would not scare their patients so early. Because so many women with a tilted uterus are between 7 to 10 weeks before seeing anything in the gestational sac, we firmly believe a blighted ovum should not be suggested before nine or ten weeks. Take care.

anonymous on July 03, 2010:

This is Nurse Barb. I am a licensed Nurse Practitioner. Having a tilted uterus does NOT place a woman at increased risk of miscarriage. Unfortunately 1 in 5 pregnancies will miscarry and there's no association or connection to the position of the uterus. Having a uterus that is tilted back doesn't affect miscarriage or any aspect of the pregnancy. We notice the position of the uterus, and it's an interesting thing, like noting that someone has curly hair or straight hair. Interesting information but not terribly important and doesn't put you or your baby at any increased risk of miscarriage or anything else scary that's related to the birth. I hope this helps clarify some well-intended, but unfortunately inaccurate and misleading information. I'm responding because a patient told me about this post. It scared her and caused a lot of needless worry. Be well, Nurse Barb

anonymous on June 14, 2010:

I've never heard about tilted uterus until I came up to your lens. During my pregnancy, I never have it. Thank goodness...

Early Pregnancy Symptoms

anonymous on June 14, 2010:

I've never heard about tilted uterus until I came up to your lens. During my pregnancy, I never have it. Thank goodness...

Early Pregnancy Symptoms

ExSmoker07 on January 13, 2010:

I have a tilted uteris, but I THANKS God did not have any problems with either of my pregnancies. I concentrated on Healthy eating during pregnancy

, and of course getting lots of rest.

anonymous on October 10, 2009:

I was 10 weeks pregnant just two months ago and i started bleeding i have had a miscarraig before so i knew what was going on. I went to the ER and had an ultrasound done and was told i had a tilted uterus i saw the ulrasound picture and only saw a sac. I was told i had a good chance of going full term but the next morning i lost the pregnancy.

anonymous on September 30, 2009:

Thanks Kay! Besides my faith in God, you have really worked hard to alleviate feelings of despair in me and many women. I feel God used you to help many women out here like me. I have had two US which showed just a sac and a high hcg they didn't double but did increase. I feel all the symptoms of pregnancy ten-fold and I am just waiting now. I refused D&C or the pill to make me pass the tissue. I have had no signs of loss at this point and I am waiting to visit another doctor for what would be my first prenatal visit. I have hope that God's glory will be revealed, until then, I wait.

anonymous on September 18, 2009:

[in reply to Adreian ] Adeian, we are in a similar situation now. I am at 6wks (via IVF) and have a retroverted uterus. Dr said he couldn't confirm a sac in uterus (something questionable) that he wanted to review in 4 days. My hcg was at 3211. Was curious how you are doing?

anonymous on September 01, 2009:

I have a very tilted uterus. I think & feel pregnant right now, but my EPT tests are negative, I also had negative test with my 2 children, both times also had a period. Did not know for sure I was pregant until 9 weeks w/my first & 7 weeks w/2nd. Are low HCG levels common w/tilted uterus? I am having other prenancy syptoms, that I now recognize having been pregnant twice b4.

anonymous on August 03, 2009:


anonymous on July 29, 2009:

Another very useful lens and I like the way you emphasise that people need to consult a medically qualified professional.

anonymous on July 21, 2009:

i just find i have thisgoing on today

anonymous on June 18, 2009:

I was horrified on yesterday when I and my hubby went to my sonogram on yesterday for our first conception ever to be told by my doc nothing but and empty sac....I was devastated.,....I have been told on more than numerous occasions that my cervix is "extremely tilted"....I am about 6 1/2 weeks along and doc told me I have a blithed ovum and would miscarry eventually....they took blood work and nurse called me and stated my hcG was at 3,665 and wants me back this Monday to see if numbers will double....your story has given me a since of hope but I am continuing to be pray and keep my spirits up...my husband is overly anxious and has expressed even greater devastation if we loose this baby....do you have any additional advice for me....Thanks.

anonymous on May 15, 2009:

this site realy helped me understand what my doc meant when i went to hear the babys heart beat and she said i must have a tilted uterus and needed to come back in two weeks i was so scared becuase i heard that that can cause a miscarriage.

Kylyssa Shay from Overlooking a meadow near Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA on April 25, 2009:

Lots of important information. Always get a second opinion.

Kay (author) on April 12, 2009:

Definitely, have another ultrasound. Because so many babies have been found, I'm a firm believer that you should wait at least a week and have another ultrasound. If you still don't see the baby by ten weeks, the D&C might be an option for some. Some babies are found after ten weeks but those cases are fewer in number.

anonymous on April 10, 2009:

I had an u/s yesterday. I was meant to be about 8 weeks, but sonographer said I was measuring at 7 weeks, and there was no heartbeat. I have a uterus that tilts back. Is there still hope? They want me to wait till Wednesday and then have a D&C or medical mgmt, but I got hysterical and didnt see the baby, should I ask for another u/s to put my mind at rest?

Kay (author) on March 05, 2009:

Chances are that her uterus is no longer tilted at five months. If she is suffering from incarcerated uterus, that really is a pretty rare condition

anonymous on March 04, 2009:


I did IVF and have a tilted uterus. I had an ultra sound at 5 1/2 weeks which showed only gestational sac, then another at 6 1/2 weeks which showed yolk sac. The doctors were worried there was no heartbeat so they sent me to an imaging center with the best ultrasound technology, they found only a gestational sac, no yolk sac no heartbeat and it measured 4 1/2 weeks. The next day my doctor asked me if I want a D&C or pills or to miscarry naturally, I was devastated. My husband wanted a second opinion so I went to my regular OB/GYN 2 days later and there was the heartbeat. No one would listen when I told them my tipped uterus made a difference in ultrasounds and IVF babies can measure up to 2 weeks behind until 10wks. ALWAYS GET A SECOND OPINION. I can't imagine how many women my specialist has sent to miscarry without being sure, it's heartbreaking.

anonymous on February 14, 2009:

Hi. Well, Jan 17th i tested positive on a hpt. LMP was on Dec 15, cycles about 32-33 days. Two weeks later started veyr very light spotting, until Feb 4th when i saw a smidge of blood when I wiped myself. Since then i've been having some brown discharge, mostly when I wipe myself. No pain, no nausea, no cramps. Went for u/s as I was concerned, should have been 8 weeks according to LMP. Doctor saw two yolk sacs but no embryos, said i was measuring 5.6 weeks. I do have a tilted uterus and since my cylcles are longer and irregular it could be that I'm not as far along. Hcg levels about 40 hours apart were 11250 and 11500. I'm still spotting, but no other symptoms. Doctor said it'll probably be a miscarriage and discussed DNC, but wants me to come back for another u/s ten days from the last one. So now I'm left waiting 6 more days wondering what's going on, i'm so so sad, it's my first pregnancy, and it's sooo wanted. Could anyone offer any hope?

anonymous on January 29, 2009:

Actually, it's a question: can you still have a miscarriage at 5 months pregnant having a tilted uterus? I have a friend and his wife has a tilted uterus and she is 5 months pregnant. she gets alot of back problems and he's really worried about her.

anonymous on January 23, 2009:

I'm at the same place... 7.5-8 weeks measuring at 5 1/2 weeks but HCG levels are rising. The Dr. thinks she might see something but hasn't seen measurable growth. I am hopeful but still very worried. I have a tilted uterus as well...

Kay (author) on January 10, 2009:

Charlotte, your daughter is really way too early to diagnose. She ought to find a new doctor. So many women do not see their babies until they are eight or nine weeks (or even more in some cases). These women have really high hCG levels by that time. Believe me, quite a few babies are not seen when levels are only 10,000.

anonymous on January 10, 2009:

[in reply to Cari_Kay] My daughter was just "diagnosed" with a possible blighted ovum. She is 5 weeks pregnant, 3 weeks gestational age. She had an ultrasound on Thursday which would make her approximately 19 days pregnant. They saw the sac but no baby. Her HCG levels are high, and she is symptomatic of pregnancy. As a mother of 4, I just can not imagine what they expeced to see at 2 weeks and 5 days other than the sac. Plus she was recently tols she had a tilted uterus.

Kay (author) on December 13, 2008:

I firmly believe a blighted ovum diagnosis should not even be mentioned before nine or ten weeks. There have been too many women now who could not see their babies at only seven and eight weeks. I know the waiting is awful but it is truly the only way to know if you have a true blighted ovum.

anonymous on December 13, 2008:

ME TOO, same scenerio. Tilted uterus, sac, and no baby. I'm technically 7 weeks and had my first ultrasound two days ago. Although the doctor didn't say much he did tell me he didn't see what he would expect at this point in time. I go for a follow up on my hCG levels in two days and back for an ultrasound in another week and a half. It's a really sad feeling when you see that ultrasound with nothing there. My doctor kept telling me he couldn't get a good read, either.. that my bladder was full (which is odd since I had just went) and he didn't think he could get a good picture. But there were obviously moments of just a plain empty sac... and although he was quiet I knew what was going on.

anonymous on December 10, 2008:

Thanks for the info. I too have a retroverted uterus, no sign of a yolk sac at 6.5 weeks and I am waiting to see what happens.. ... its nice to read similar experiences - no matter what happens.

Kay (author) on November 21, 2008:

Mary Jane, I hope you see this. Five and Six weeks is just much too early to diagnose a blighted ovum. Please, email me bonzobean@gmail.com

anonymous on November 20, 2008:

I read you story. Thank you for posting. It was the first web-site I came to upon searching blighted ovum.You are my ray of hope! I just (30 min ago) got back from my obgyn and was told that I have a blighted ovum. I'm only 5 weeks. My doctor said we would wait a week and do another ultrasound. But, she already started talking about a D & C. I ask here to stop because I don't want to talk about that until were sure. I also have a tilted uterus. Today all we could see is a very small placenta . no yolk sac no embryo .

Kay (author) on November 14, 2008:

Lori, just know that you are still very early. A blighted ovum shouldn't even really be suggested until at least nine weeks especially if you have a tilted uterus. Have your hCG levels checked 48 hours apart and make sure they are rising appropriately. At this point they can easily take four days to double and still be normal.

Also, check out some of the stories here: https://discover.hubpages.com/health/misdiagnosedm...

anonymous on November 14, 2008:

[in reply to Lisa] I'd be really curious to know what happened to you. I'm six weeks tomorrow and just back from an ultrasound where they found a sac but no baby - and I also have a tilted uterus.

anonymous on October 15, 2008:

This website has been so helpful!! It's easy to read, understand, and find! Thank you so much!!! :)

anonymous on October 03, 2008:

Thank you for this. I have a tilted uterus that has always caused me a lot of pain. I was actually headed into surgery, a laparoscopy for pelvic pain, when I found out I was pregnant. I know my dates are correct for this pregnancy, but during an ultrasound at 6 weeks 2 days we saw a sack and no baby. I'm trying not to get my hopes up but it is comforting to know that there is still some hope...especially since I am still so nauseous. I guess only time will tell, but I will not be having a D&C anytime soon and maybe at my next ultrasound at 7 weeks 2 days we will see something...

Sleep_Soundly on September 06, 2008:

Read and share your review on Personal Path To Pregnancy and many other Womens Health Related Ebooks here.

anonymous on July 12, 2008:

Hi ladies:

I am starting a website about tilted uterus at tilteduterus.net.

My goal for the website is to help others with tilted uterus find out more information and hopefully we can collect lots of data to present to doctors and researchers who can better learn about tilted uterus and if there is a connection with infertility and tilted uterus.

Have a good weekend!

anonymous on July 11, 2008:

Hi. I am a owner of a tilted uterus. I think we should have more ladies get togeather and share info and send it to docs/reseachers to find out more for us.

If My Uterus Is Tilted Where Will the Baby Be Carried

Source: https://discover.hubpages.com/health/tilteduterus

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